I've never been much of a resolution maker. I do an alright job evaluating from time to time what projects I want to finish up and what new things I want to try. However looking back, I find that as I've grown older I'm totally inspiration driven, which means~ not so great for the long haul when that inspiration wanes.
Therefore I've decided this will be the year I finish up all those unfinished projects I have laying around, and boy do I have a lot of them! I am totally guilty of working on a project until I run into a problem... and then I just lay it to the side... maybe to sew a zipper in 6 months later... and then lay aside again. It’s a habit I'm a little ashamed of and I have decided this year will be the year I clear up my slate!
Which is why The Sewing Basket Challenge was born. I thought the easiest schedule for me to follow would be a monthly one where I take a few projects and try to finish them up within that month. I figured this just might work for a couple of reasons: A) There's a looming deadline and B) One month includes at least 4 weekends. Besides all that I would be rewarded at the end of the month by a finished project and a "change of pace" so to speak when I started my next project. Completely doable. Which is whyit's March and I am still working on January's two projects I have these great projects for March to share with you. Ahem.
Here’s a break down of March's Sewing Basket:
Which is why The Sewing Basket Challenge was born. I thought the easiest schedule for me to follow would be a monthly one where I take a few projects and try to finish them up within that month. I figured this just might work for a couple of reasons: A) There's a looming deadline and B) One month includes at least 4 weekends. Besides all that I would be rewarded at the end of the month by a finished project and a "change of pace" so to speak when I started my next project. Completely doable. Which is why
Here’s a break down of March's Sewing Basket:
The Anthropologie inspired pillow
Full post to follow about how after making this pillow I now know why it's $88.00 at your local Anthropologie store! This thing took forever......... and ever.
Zebra Chair Cushions
I'll be showing how I developed a cushion pattern since there was no existing cushion to go off of and how I sewed a basic box cushion for this goodwill find. If your wondering why this was shot outside, besides the light being better there, it's because this was also happening:
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